
Sunrise January 7th

I've only been up for half an hour and already I see this out my window! Awesome!

January 6th

Today's awesome was sitting in a room filled with educators committed to geography education. Dinner conversation was even better than the meal, which wasn't bad for hotel food.


Today's Awesomeness

1. Starting the day drinking coffee from the mug my sister got for me. That's my cat!
2. Listening to disco hits on KISS FM.
3. Seeing a guy with a tail attached to his behind. It was big and fluffy. The tail, not the guy.
4. Sharing meals with good friends.


Happiness is...

A warm cat on your lap.


Cozy gloves

These babies allow me to use my phone while they are on my hands! Special knitty fingers work great on a touchsceen. Bonus awesomeness for the day: I can post while waiting in line at the post office!


My vote for product of the year

Who couldn't love sugar, dark chocolate and coffee all together in a convenient grinder?


Why 365 Days of Awesome?

I probably overuse both awesome and cool, but sometimes they express my sentiments well. At any rate, I've been thinking about re-starting my 365 blog for some time (like a year) and then started thinking about it more after I saw Life In A Day at National Geographic Society HQ in early December.

I came away from the film thinking about appreciating the work-a-day things in life and how we tend to rush through our days without taking the time to stop and think and savor our life and our planet. So, this year, I will endeavor to post something each day that makes me appreciate, think, savor, giggle, roll my eyes, or maybe all of those at the same time.

To start, here's the film that got me thinking about all of this. It's worth your time. Oh, two things: watch all the way to the end (the end was the part that made 365 Days of Awesome pop into my head) and she survived (you'll know what I mean when you watch it).